čtvrtek 3. září 2009

Deset nejnavštěvovanějších hlasování

Zde vidíte 10 hlasování s největším počtem hlasů podle mezinárodního hlasovacího portálu Electionsmeter.com. Připojte i vy své názory! Kliknutím na název hlasování budete přesměrováni a hned po přihlášení můžete hlasovat, vkládat komentáře a odkazy týkající se toho co Vás zajímá.

Creationism versus Evolution

The religious belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their original form by a deity.

Legalize Cannabis

Flowering plant used for medicinal purposes and as a psychoactive. Marijuana. The cultivation for recreational use is outlawed in most countries.

Capitalism versus Socialism
Capitalism is an economic system in which capital goods are owned, operated and traded by private individuals, businesses, or corp. ...

Afghanistan war

The war began on October 7 2001 as the U.S. military operation was launched in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks.


Assisted death can be recognised as a reasonable solution to one in last stage. Euthanasia should be humanized and legalized!

Popularity European Union

I like the European Union or I don't like EU. Vote online!

Political situation in the EU

Click, if you are satisfied with the political situation in the European Union. Say, why?

Global climate change (warming)

Long-term significant change in the “average weather”, believe that it is man-made polution.

Political situation in China

I am satisfied with the political situation in China. / I'm dissatisfied with the political situation in China.

Popularity China

我喜欢中国 I like China / I don't like China. Explain why?

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